
Сообщения за февраль, 2020

Dear students,this is your homework for 13/02/20

5 Form 1.do Ex 4 p. 127 orally 2.do Ex. 5 p. 128 in writing 3 Read the text of Ex.2 p. 129 and get ready to answer the questions 6 Form 1. Read the text of Ex. 4 p. 124 and match the paragraphs (1-3) with the headings (A-C) 2.do ex. 7 p. 125 in writing    7 Form Watch the video and do the tasks 1.Read the text of Ex. 2 p. 104 and get ready to answer the questions 2.do Ex. 5 p. 105 in writing 8 Form  1.do Ex. 1 c) p. 138 orally 2.do ex. 6 a),b) p. 140 in writing 9 Form 1.do Ex. 2 a),b) c) p. 118 orally 2.do Ex. 6 p. 120 in writing    10 Form 1. do Ex 1p. 146 orally 2. do Ex 2, 3 p. 147 in writing

Dear students,this is your H/w for 10/02/20,11/02/20

Form 5 1. Read again the text of Ex. 3 p. 123 and get ready to answer the questions of ex.4 p. 124 orally 2. Write unknown words from ex. 3 p. 123 into your vocabulary Watch the video and do ex. 8 p. 125 in writing Form 6 1. Read the text of ex. 2 p. 121 and get ready to answer the questions of ex. 3 p. 121 orally 2. Write unknown words from ex. 2 p. 121 into your vocabulary 3. do ex. 7 p. 122 in writing Form 7 1. Read the parts of the text of ex . 2 p. 99 and put them in the correct order to make a story 2. do ex. 2 b) p. 99 in writing 3. do ex 3 p. 99 in writing Form 8 Revise the grammar material and do the task Complete the questions using the verb in brackets in passive.  1. When ______ America ______ (discover)? 2. In what year ______ the Olympic Games ______ (hold) in Barcelona? 3. In what century ______ William Shakespeare ______ (bear)? 4. Where ______ Coca-Cola ______ (invent)? 5. What ______ ______ (consider) the highest mountain ...
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