Дистанційне навчання 19.03
6 Form 8.00-8.45
The topic of our lesson is : Travelling.Means of transport
Homework :
do Ex.5 p. 111 orally
do Ex. 6 p. 111 in writing
5 Form 8.55-9.40
The topic of our lesson is The Place where I live
Test Код класу Q67YRJ
do Ex 5 p. 156 orally
do Ex. 6 p. 156 orally
6 Form 10.00-10.45
The topic of our lesson is : Travelling.Means of transport
ExerciseTest Код класу 22P9WQ
Homework :
do Ex.5 p. 111 orally
do Ex. 6 p. 111 in writing
9 Form 11.00-11.45
The topic of our lesson is : Mass Media in our Life
Test Код класу Q67Y4Y
Write and learn the words of Ex 1,2 p. 145
do Ex. 3 p. 146 orally
do Ex 4, 5 p. 147 orally
7 form 11.55-12.40
The topic of our lesson is: This is London
Test код класу VPRPG4
do Ex. 2 p 126 orally
do Ex 3 p. 127 orally
10 Form 12.55-13.35
The topic of our lesson is : Art.The national Gallery collection
Test Код класу GR9R6E
do Ex. 5 p. 176 orally
do Ex 2 p. 178 orally
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